Senin, 27 September 2010

postheadericon Raf Games

As of today, you may find RAF games to any name. Take a look at this one, RAF games is an acronym of "Red Army Faction", or perhaps "Red Air Force".. But the real meaning, or at least most of websites I have visited had the same understanding related to this RAF thing. They said that RAF games is acronym of "Royal Air Force".

Wants to find out? try this page:

For me it's a kind of flash game type. And after quite some times, I realize that this game is really fun to play.

You can play it right away, as you click play button, your browser will load for a moment then you go right into the game. Use left and right keys to move your aircraft up and down.. of course to get your bananas.

Another page that provide the same game worth to check is: But I don't give it a shot, coz it's a bit confusing!

As most of flash game type, this game is a hit and play game. Enter the page, hit play and enjoy. If you want to find some hardcore game with good visual effect.. Sorry buddy, this is not for you. But it's recommended if you just want to relax a bit and having fun. A good thinking is show this to your children, as this game is quite simple yet easy to learn.

To find more about RAF games, you can start your search on google. There you will find millions site that offering information and game related to raf games (Royal Air Force).

Hope you learn a bit about raf games, and your reviews are much appreciated.

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